1. I`ve got several books here, which  would you like?

2. These are the new chairs. What happened to the old  ?

3. I can`t give you this book, it`s not my own  .

4. Your`re looking for a pen? Here, you can borrow  of mine.

5. There are four bikes in the shed. The blue  is my brother`s  .

6. These are delicious cookies. Would you like some  ?

7. Their car has three doors, ours has five  .

8. Where is my old watch? I can`t find my new  .

9. Have you got three brothers or four  ?

10. Our new English teacher is even nicer than our last  .

11. I`ve got no posters left, so I can`t give you any  .

12. There are good doctors and bad  .

13. That pub isn`t as nice as this  .

14. She has got three daughters, but we have five  .

15. Is it true you`ve bought a car? Yes, we've bought a blue .

16. Our own  is red.

17. I thought you had two  ?

18. Well, we sold the old  and the other is at the garage.

19. So now you haven`t got any  then?

20..You're always welcome to use  of mine, you know.

Zero Conditional Exercise 
1 For example: (not / rain / the flowers / die) ____
 If it doesn’t rain, the flowers die.______________________________________ 

1. (I / wake up late / I / be late for work) _______________________________________________________________ 
2. (my husband / cook / he / burn the food) _______________________________________________________________
 3. (Julie / not wear a hat / she / get sunstroke) _______________________________________________________________
 4. (children / not eat well / they / not be healthy) _______________________________________________________________ 
5. (you / mix water and electricity / you / get a shock) _______________________________________________________________ 
6. (people / eat / too many sweets / they / get fat) _______________________________________________________________
 7. (you / smoke / you / get yellow fingers) _______________________________________________________________ 
8. (children / play outside / they / not get overweight) _______________________________________________________________
 9. (you / heat ice / it / melt) _______________________________________________________________ 
10. (I / speak to John / he / get annoyed) _______________________________________________________________ 2
  11. (I / feel good the next day / I / go to bed early) _______________________________________________________________ 
12. (lots of people / come / Jenny / have a party) _______________________________________________________________
 13. (she / buy expensive clothes / she / go shopping) _______________________________________________________________
 14. (my daughter / pass her exams / she / work hard) _______________________________________________________________ 
15. (David / be sick / he / drink milk) _______________________________________________________________ 
16. (the river / freeze / it / be very cold) _______________________________________________________________
 17. (I / like to visit the museums / I / be in a new city) _______________________________________________________________ 
18. (I / cycle to work / the weather / be fine) _______________________________________________________________ 
19. (my flatmate / clean it really well / she / clean the house) _______________________________________________________________ 
20. (everybody / be grumpy / it / rain a lot) ______________________________________

Choose the correct option for these zero conditional sentences.

Principio del formulario

1. If you eat fast food, 
a) you will gain weight.
b) you gains weight.
c) you gain weight.
d) you gained weight.

2. If you study hard, 
a) you get good grades.
b) you got good grades.
c) you getting good grades.
d) you will get good grades.

3. When she works early, 
a) she woke up early.
b) she will wake up early.
c) she wake up early.
d) she wakes up early.

4. When the radio plays,
a) it's hard to hear you speak.
b) it was hard to hear you speak.
c) it is hard to hear you spoke.
d) it's hard to hear you will speak.

5. I always wear a jacket
a) when it will be cold.
b) when it is cold.
c) when it was cold.
d) when it is being cold.

6. He never buys lunch 
a) if he doesn't has cash.
b) if he no have cash.
c) if he won't have cash.
d) if he doesn't have cash.

7. When you heat water,
a) it boils.
b) it's boiling.
c) boils the water.
c) it was boil.

8. Does ice melt 
a) if it is in the sun?
b) if it were in the sun?
c) if they are in the sun?
d) if it will be in the sun?

9. What do you do
a) if the teacher was sick?
b) if the teacher had been sick?
c) if the teacher will be sick?
d) if the teacher is sick?

10. Does the computer work
a) if you use batteries?
b) if you used batteries?
c) if you will use batteries?
c) if you had used batteries?
Final del formulario

Grammar: one/ones Exercise 
1: The green one or the blue ones?
 Fill in one or ones
1. I’ve got two rabbits, a white _____________ and a black _____________ .
 2. There are a lot of shoes in the shop window. I like the red _____________ best.
 3. How many birds are there in the cage? – There are two blue _____________ and a yellow _____________ . 
4. There’s a new boutique in Church Street, but it isn’t as good as the _____________ in Market Street.
 5. These magazines are very old. I must buy some new _____________ .
 Exercise 2: At the sports shop! Fill in one or ones. 

1. There are three helmets on the shelf, two green _______________ and a red ______________. 
2. David wants to buy a new football. He can choose between a black _______________ and a blue _______________.
 3. He must buy a new T-shirt. His old _________________ is too small. 
4. They’ve got lots of socks here, but the white ________________ are the best. 
5. If you buy two table tennis balls, you get a third _______________ free.
 6. Steve needs some new white shorts, but the sports shop has only got blue ______________. 




Put the verbs into the correct form (simple past).
  1. Last year I (spend)  my holiday in Ireland.
  2. It (be)  great.
  3. (travel)  around by car with two friends and we (visit)  lots of interesting places.
  4. In the evenings we usually (go)  to a pub.
  5. One night we even (learn)  some Irish dances.
  6. We (be)  very lucky with the weather.
  7. It (not / rain)  a lot.
  8. But we (see)  some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / you)  your last holiday?
Form negative sentences in Simple Past.
  1. Greg / the ball / kick
  2. we / in the park / wait
  3. we / the leader / follow
  4. you / your bag / pack
  5. we / on the lake / sail
  6. it / too much / weigh
  7. she / in London / teach
  8. they / at the corner / stand
  9. the Pope / the child / bless
  10. he / his head in her lap / lay
  11. Form questions in PAST CONTINUOUS.
    1. they / us / call
    2. Anna / the window / open
    3. Albert / squash / play
    4. Tom / with Anny / stay
    5. Betty / her best / do
    6. she / on a chair / sit
    7. they / at the corner / stand
    8. they / trees / plant
    9. she / my mistakes / correct
    10. she / the word / underline
  12. Form negative sentences in Past CONTINUOUS
    1. I / the question / answer
    2. he / the car / wash
    3. Betty / her best / do
    4. I / bread / buy
    5. we / her / an apple / give
    6. his head / ache
    7. We / our holidays / enjoy
    8. she / my mistakes / correct
    9. Katy / a lot of money / spend


  1. Exercises -PAST CONTINUOUS

  2. While I , the school bus (to text) (to arrive)
  3. Cindy  her leg while she (to break) (to snowboard)
  4. He  to the radio while he  breakfast. (to listen) (to prepare)
  5. My father  at 70 km/h when a policeman  him. (to drive) (to stop)
  6. The girl  that the boy  her. (to notice) (to watch)
  7. My dad  the ladder while he  the carport. (to fall off) (to paint)

  8. While we , we  crossword puzzles. (to wait) (to do)
  9. Nick  sick while he  in Texas. (to become) (to travel)
  10. What  when you  about 9/11? (to do) (to hear)
  11. She said that she  happy, so I  to her. (not/to feel) (to talk)
  12. Activity 1 Choose which verb tense (simple past or past continuous) fits better. 
  13. 1. I ________ - I didn't hear you come in. a) was sleeping b) slept 
  14. 2. I ________ to see her twice, but she wasn't home. a) was coming b) came
  15.  3. What ________? I was watching TV. a) did you do b) were you doing
  16.  4. Robin Hood was a character who ________ from the rich and gave to the poor. a) stole b) was stealing 
  17. 5. Hey, did you talk to her? Yes, I ________ to her a) was talking b) talked
  18.  6. I ________ home very late last night. a) came b) was coming 
  19. 7. How long ________ the flu? a) did you have b) were you having 
  20. 8. ________ a good time in Brazil? Yes, I had a blast! a) Were you having b) Did you have 
  21. 9. We ________ breakfast when she walked into the room. a) had b) were having 
  22. 10. Last month I decided to buy a new car, and today I finally ________ it. a) bought b) was buying 
  23. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

Simple Past Tense.

Do the exercises below on the simple past tense and click on the button to check your answers.

(Before doing the exercises you may want to read the lesson on the simple past tense)

Put the verbs into the simple past:

  1. Last year I (go)  to England on holiday.
  2. It (be)  fantastic.
  3. I (visit)  lots of interesting places. I (be)  with two friends of mine .
  4. In the mornings we (walk)  in the streets of London.
  5. In the evenings we (go)  to pubs.
  6. The weather (be)  strangely fine.
  7. It (not / rain)  a lot.
  8. But we (see)  some beautiful rainbows.
  9. Where (spend / you)  your last holiday?

Write the past forms of the irregular verbs.

InfinitiveSimple Past

Complete the table in simple past.

He wrote a book.
He did not sing
Was she pretty?

Put the sentences into simple past.

  1. We move to a new house. → 
  2. They bring a sandwich. → 
  3. He doesn't do the homework. → 
  4. They sell cars. → 
  5. Does he visit his friends? → 

Write sentences in simple past.

  1. Janet / miss / the bus → 
  2. she / tidy / her room → 
  3. Nancy / watch / not / television→ 
  4. she / read / a book → 

Choose "Was“ or "Were“:

  1. The teacher  nice.
  2. The students  very clever.
  3. But one student  in trouble.
  4. We  sorry for him.
  5. He  nice though.



1. Complete the gaps:
1.   carpets on the floor.
2.   window on the right.

3.   chairs around the table.

4.   children in the classroom.

5.   bike near the play corner.
6.   easel next to the sand tray.
7.   books on the shelf.
8.   water in the water tray.
9.   crayons near the window.
10.  5 red cushions on the floor.
11.   painting on the easel.
12.   big window in the play corner.

13.   toys on the table.

2. Correct the errors. Write the correct sentence in the long box below each sentence:

1. There isn't some water in the glass.
2. There are a 3 children talking with the teacher.
3. Are there some cars in the car park?
4. Is there any windows in this classroom?
5. There aren't some pencils in the pencilcase.
6. There is some people in the backyard.
7. There are any stickers in the album? (Question)
8. There is any parsley? (Question)
3. Write some/any/a/an in the following gaps. Look at Springfield's map and asnwer accordingly.
1. There are  people in the street.
2. There is  cinema on the right.
3. There isn't  internet café on the left.
4. There aren't  rivers running through the town centre.
5. There is  bar called Moe's.
6. There are  mountains in the horizon.
7. There are  parks.
4. Choose:

1.  an old man sitting on the bench in the park.

2.  some students playing football.

3.  any crayons on the desk.
4.  some books in the library.
5.  a laptop in the cupboard.
6.  an ice cream in the fridge.
7.  some women in the shoe shop.
8.  any students in the sports centre.
9.  some people near the stadium.


  1. She is collecting stickers, ?
  2. We often watch TV in the afternoon, ?
  3. You have cleaned your bike, ?
  4. John and Max don't like maths, ?
  5. Peter played handball yesterday, ?
  6. They are going home from school, ?
  7. Mary didn't do her homework last Monday, ?
  8. He could have bought a new car, ?
  9. Kevin will come tonight, ?
  10. I'm clever, ?
  11. Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

    1. Mr McGuinness is from Ireland, ?
    2. The car isn't in the garage, ?
    3. You are John, ?
    4. She went to the library yesterday, ?
    5. He didn't recognize me, ?
    6. Cars pollute the environment, ?
    7. Mr. Pritchard has been to Scotland recently, ?
    8. The trip is very expensive, ?
    9. He won't tell her, ?
    10. Hugh had a red car, ?


Add the missing letter:
                          anuary - ebruary - arch - pril - ay - une 
       uly - ugust - eptember - ctober - ovember - ecember    
3. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate month:
     * Halloween takes place in .
     *  comes after February.
     * The last month of the year is 
     * The month between August and October is 
     * Christmas and Hannukah are celebrated in 
     * Saint Patrick's day is in 
     * The first month of the year is 
     * Thanksgiving takes place in 
     * April showers bring  flowers.
     *  has 28 days.
     * The 6th month of the year is 
4. Unscramble the letters and write the name of the month:
     * yanaJuy        * hraMc      * enJu      * ebceDemr 
     * emeNvobr    * pArli          * yaM         * arebFruy 
     * gsAuut           * rbcoOte   * yluJ      * beteSpemr 
 5. Wordsearch. Find the 12 months of the year.

6. Crossword:
In which months are these dates celebrated?


5.     7. (Northern Hemisphere)  

9. 11.   12. 


1.   2. (Northern Hemisphere)

3.          4. 
8.   10. 


1.     a nice room.
2.    She  a cat.
3.    Jack  a pet.
4.    The sisters  great teachers.
5.    He  an old bike.
6.    They  a goldfish.
7.    Emma  lots of friends.
8.    We  a problem.
9.    Joe and Philip  a sister.
10. The family  two cars.

1. Complete with "has got" or "have got". 

Santa Claus   a long white beard.

Mary and Bill a beautiful house.

This sock  a hole.

I    a big family.

Snoopy   black ears.

My teacher 
green eyes.

You and Ann  a pretty bedroom.

Shakira    long blond hair.

My dogs  funny names.

This house   a wonderful garden.

I   a new computer.

My parents  a lot of brothers and sisters.

You   a fantastic jacket!

Mariah Carey an amazing voice.

Pinocchio  a very long nose.

2. Choose the correct answer.

Have you got two eyes?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got a head?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got four legs?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got two mouths?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got ten feet?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got ten fingers?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got two hands?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t
Have you got ten toes?

Yes, I have
No, I haven’t

 3. Look and answer.












Has Tom got a skateboard?

Has Sarah got a teddy bear?

Have Tom and Sarah got a computer?

Has Tom got a bike?

Has Sarah got a ball?

Have Tom and Sarah got a bike?

Has Tom got a doll?


Has Sarah got a dog?

Have Tom and Sarah got a cat?

Has Tom got a cat?


Has Sarah got a computer?

Have Tom and Sarah got a dog?

4. Reorder the sentences.  
have / a / they / dog / new / got / .

got / sisters / Lucy / three / has / .

you / fantastic / have / skateboard / got / a /.

dictionary / I / got / haven’t / an / English / .

big / got / haven’t / they / a / bedroom / .

Mr Bean / expensive / hasn’t / car / an / got / .

she / black / got / has / hair / ?

got / you / have / a lot of / cousins / ?

a / Sarah and Michelle / pet / have / got / ?


  There is - There are   
We use there is (singular) / there are (plural) to say that sth is located in the place or exists:
e.g. There is a book on the desk. / There are manybooks on the shelf.
We use there isn’t (singular) / there aren’t (plural) to say that sth isn’t located in the place or doesn’t exist:
e.g. There isn’t a book on the desk. / There aren’t any books on the shelf.
We use Is there…? (singular) / Are there...? (plural)  to ask whether sth is located in the place or exists:
e.g. Is there a book on the desk? / Are there any books on the shelf?
Choose the correct answer:
1. ............ a lamp in the
 There is       There are
 Is there       Are there
9. ........... a man in the
 Is there      Are there
 There is     There are
17.   .............. many
glasses here.
 There are    Is there
 There is      Are there
25. ................ two
tables in the room?
 Is there      Are there
 There is     There are
2. Susan, .............. a
chair in the garden?
 there is       is there
 there are     are there
10. “Is there much tea
in the cup?” “No, there .......... 
 isn’t            is 
aren’t          are 
18.   ..... many
boys and girls in the park.
 Is  there         There are
 There is         Are there
26. “Are there many
animals in the house?” “No, 
.............only one”
 there isn’t   there are
 there is       aren’t
3. “Are there many
windows in the house?” 
“Yes, .......... many.”
 there are     there is
 is there       are there 
11.  .......... two
little trees in the garden.
 Are there      There is
 There are     Is there
19.  ......... a little girl
outside our house?
 There is      Are there
 Is there       There are
27. “Is there a chair
here?” “No, ............. “
 there aren’tthere is 
 there are      there isn’t
4. “Is there a dog in the
house?” “No, ......... .”
 there isn’t   is there
 there is       there are 
12.  ......... a nice door in
this house.
Are there         There are
 Is there           There is
20.  In London ...........a
lot of museums.
 there is       there are
 is there      are there
28. “Is there much
water?” “No, .............”
 there is      there isn’t
there are    there aren’t
5. ........... many
glasses on the table.
 There is       Is there
 Are there     There are
13.  .......... many
windows in the house?
 Are there    Is there
There is           There are
21. ........ many lamps
on the wall?
 There are    There is
 Is there      Are there
29. .............. many trees
in this park?
 Are there    There is 
 Is there      There are
6. In the garden ..........
three big trees.
 there are     there is
 are there     is there
14.  ........... a little girl
in the room?
 There are       There is
 Are there    Is there
22. “Is there a dog
here?” “No, ................”
 there isn´t  there is
 there are     there aren’t
30. “Are there many
people?” “No, ........... only 
one person”
 there is       there are
 there isn’t   are there
7. Carol, ....... much
coffee in the cup?
 are there     is there
 there are     there is
15.  Mum, ......... water
in the glass?
 are there     there is
 is there       there are
23. “Are there Italians
in Spain?” “Yes, .........”
 there are     there is
 are there     is there
31.  In this glass............
some milk.
 there  isn’t  there aren’t
 there is          are
8. This morning ........
many children in the park.
 there is       are there
 is there       there are
16.  Susan, .... many
cups at home?
 there is          are there
 there are      is there
24. “Are there four rooms 
in the house?”  “No, ............ five”
 there are     there is
 are there    is there
32.  “Susan, are there many 
cups on the table?” “......two”
 There is     Are there 
 Is there       There are

1.jpg I  a boy.
2.gifYou  happy.
3.gifHe  a man.
4.jpgShe  a girl.
5.gifIt  a cat.
6.gifWe  children.
7.gifYou  twins.
choir.pngThey  friends.

Select the "am", "is", or "are"
Line under the title of our free JavaScript multiple choice quizzes to help students study English grammar and vocabulary
1. He ___ a boy.
2. I ___ going to the bus stop.
3. She ___ my sister.
4. John ___ absent.
5. They ___ playing golf.
6. I ___ hot.
7. Tom and Mary ___ late.
8. It ___ very expensive.
9. You ___ next.
10. We ___ going to the station.
EIGTH  GRADE       octavo

  1. Rebecca is __________ have a baby next month.
    go to
    goes to
    going to

  2. ______ you going to cook supper?

  3. What are you going to __________ this evening?

  4. Be careful or you ___________ fall.
    are go to
    are going to

  5. I have decided. I ____________ stop smoking.
    am going to
    am go to

  6. Look at those clouds. It ______________.
    is rain
    is going to rain
    will rain

  7. Look out! You ____________ break that glass!
    will going to
    are going to

  8. I am going to _____________ Spanish next summer.
    will learn

  9. Look at that car! _______________________.
    It will crash
    It is go to crash
    is will crash
    is going to crash

  10. ___________________ because it is too sweet.
    I don't drink
    I won't drink
    I am not going to drink
    I will drinking

1Did you invite Rachel to the meeting?
I was going to but I changed my mind and came by car.
I was going to but I never had the opportunity.
I was going to go jogging but something came up.
We were going to have lunch but then she had a problem.
I was going to ask her but then I changed my mind.

2Are you going to the shops?
Yes, it looks as if he's going to have big problems soon
I'm going to go jogging. I need the exercise.
Yes, I'm going to get a cake. I'm hungry.
No she looks as if she's going to burst into tears.
It looks as if it is going to explode at any minute.

3My father has just bought me a new car.
What are you going to wear?
No but I am going to as soon as I've had lunch.
What are you going to do with your old one?
We were going to have lunch but then she had a problem.
I was going to ask her but then I changed my mind.

4Have you phoned Bill Clinton yet?
What are you going to wear?
No but I am going to as soon as I've had lunch.
I was going to see her but something came up.
We were going to have lunch but then she had a problem.
I was going to ask her but then I changed my mind.

5Why are you putting on the television?
I'm going to watch the news.
No but I am going to as soon as I've had lunch.
What are you going to do with your old one?
It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day.
You're going to be late.

6What are you planning to do when you go to the States?
Yes, it looks as if he's going to have big problems soon
I'm going to go jogging. I need the exercise.
Yes, I'm going to get a cake. I'm hungry.
I'm going to spend a few days in New York, shopping till I drop.
It looks as if it is going to explode at any minute.

7Why have you got that sports bag with you at work?
I'm going to watch the news.
I'm going to play squash with David at lunchtime.
What are you going to do with your old one?
It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day.
You're going to be late.

8Jon's business seems very shaky.
Yes, it looks as if he's going to have big problems soon.
I'm going to play squash with David at lunchtime.
What colour paint are you going to use?
No she looks as if she's going to burst into tears.
It looks as if it is going to explode at any minute.

9I'm going to a party tonight.
What are you going to wear?
I was going to but I never had the opportunity.
I was going to see her but something came up.
We were going to have lunch but then she had a problem.
I was going to ask her but then I changed my mind.

10I thought you were coming by train.
I was going to but I changed my mind and came by car.
I'm going to go jogging. I need the exercise.
Yes, I'm going to get a cake. I'm hungry.
I'm going to spend a few days in New York, shopping till I drop.
Yes, it looks like it's going to rain.

11I thought you were going to tell Christine.
I was going to but I changed my mind and came by car.
I was going to but I never had the opportunity.
Yes, I'm going to get a cake. I'm hungry.
I'm going to spend a few days in New York, shopping till I drop.
Yes, it looks like it's going to rain.

12There's a lot of smoke coming out of my car.
I'm going to watch the news.
I'm going to play squash with David at lunchtime.
What colour paint are you going to use?
No she looks as if she's going to burst into tears.
It looks as if it is going to explode at any minute.

13I'm just about to leave my house now.
What are you going to wear?
No but I am going to as soon as I've had lunch.
What are you going to do with your old one?
It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day.
You're going to be late.

14I thought you were having lunch with Julia.
I was going to but I changed my mind and came by car.
I was going to go to see him but I never had the opportunity.
I was going to go jogging but something came up.
We were going to have lunch but then she had a problem.
Yes, it looks like it's going to rain.

15Why are you wearing those terrible smelly shoes?
Yes, it looks as if he's going to have big problems soon
I'm going to go jogging. I need the exercise.
What colour paint are you going to use?
No she looks as if she's going to burst into tears.
It looks as if it is going to explode at any minute.

16Do I need my umbrella?
Yes, it looks as if he's going to have big problems soon
I'm going to go jogging. I need the exercise.
Yes, I'm going to get a cake. I'm hungry.
I'm going to spend a few days in New York, shopping till I drop.
Yes, it looks like it's going to rain.

17Caroline doesn't look very happy, does she?
I'm going to watch the news.
I'm going to play squash with David at lunchtime.
What colour paint are you going to use?
No she looks as if she's going to burst into tears.
You're going to be late.

18I've decided to repaint my shutters.
I'm going to watch the news.
I'm going to play squash with David at lunchtime.
What colour paint are you going to use?
It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day.
You're going to be late.

19Look at that beautiful sky.
What are you going to wear?
No but I am going to as soon as I've had lunch.
What are you going to do with your old one?
It looks like it's going to be a wonderful day.
I was going to ask her but then I changed my mind.

20I thought you were going to be on holiday this week.
I was going to but I changed my mind and came by car.
I was going to go to the school but I never had the opportunity.
I was going to but something came up.
I'm going to spend a few days in New York, shopping till I drop.
Yes, it looks like it's going to rain.

  1. What ___ this weekend?
    a. you are going to do
    b. are you going to do
    c. your gonna do
  2. I'm not sure. ___ anything special?
    a. Are you going to do
    b. You are going to do
    c. Is going to do
  3. My friend Melissa and I ___ a party. Would you like to come?
    a. am going to
    b. are going to go to
    c. go to
  4. I'd love to!
    a. What's it going to be
    b. Who's go to be
    c. Where's it going to be
  5. It is ___ to be at Ruth's house.
    a. go
    b. going
    c. gonna
  6. What time ___ start?
  7. a. is it going to
    b. it's going to
    c. it
  8. At 10 P.M.
    ___ invite?
    a. Who are you going to
    b. What you're going to
    c. When you going to
  9. I don't know. I think ___ anyone.
    a. I'm going invite
    b. I'm not go invite
    c. I'm not going to invite


Past Perfect - Positive and Negative
Make the positive or negative past perfect simple
1) When I arrived at the cinema, the film  (start)..
2) She  (live) in China before she went to Thailand..
3) After they  (eat) the shellfish, they began to feel sick..
4) If you  (listen) to me, you would have got the job..
5) Julie didn’t arrive until after I  (leave)..
6) When we  (finish) dinner, we went out..
7) The garden was dead because it  (be) dry all summer..
8) He  (meet) her somewhere before..
9) We were late for the plane because we  (forget) our passports..
10) She told me she  (study) a lot before the exa

11) The grass was yellow because it  (not/rain) all summer..

12) The lights went off because we  (not/pay) the electricity bill..

13) The children  (not/do) their homework, so they were in trouble..

14) They  (not/eat) so we went to a restaurant..

15) We couldn’t go into the concert because we  (not/bring) our tickets..

16) She said that she  (not/visit) the UK before..

17) Julie and Anne  (not/meet) before the party..

18) I  (not/have) breakfast when he arrived..

19) He  (not/use) email before, so I showed him how to use it..

20) You  (not/study) for the test, so you were very n

Put the verbs into the correct form (past perfect simple).
  1. The storm destroyed the sandcastle that we (build) .
  2. He (not / be)  to Cape Town before 1997.
  3. When she went out to play, she (do / already)  her homework.
  4. My brother ate all of the cake that our mum (make) .
  5. The doctor took off the plaster that he (put on)  six weeks before.
  6. The waiter brought a drink that I (not / order) .
  7. I could not remember the poem we (learn)  the week before.
  8. The children collected the chestnuts that (fall)  from the tree.
  9. (he / phone)  Angie before he went to see her in London?
  10. She (not / ride)  a horse before that day.



Last night, while I was doing my homework, Angela (call) . She said she (call)  me on her cell phone from her biology classroom at UCLA. I asked her if she (wait)  for class, but she said that the professor was at the front of the hall lecturing while she (talk)  to me. I couldn't believe she (make)  a phone call during the lecture. I asked what was going on. 

She said her biology professor was so boring that several of the students (sleep, actually)  in class. Some of the students (talk) about their plans for the weekend and the student next to her (draw)  a picture of a horse. When Angela (tell)  me she was not satisfied with the class, I (mention)  that my biology professor was quite good and (suggest)  that she switch to my class. 

While we were talking, I (hear)  her professor yell, "Miss, are you making a phone call?" Suddenly, the line went dead. I (hang)  up the phone and went to the kitchen to make dinner. As I (cut)  vegetables for a salad, the phone rang once again. It (be)  Angela, but this time she wasn't sitting in class.

We _____ (go) down the road at 100 kph when the wheel ____ (fall) off  
He nearly _____ (have) a heart attack when he ______ (see) the bear.  
Uncle Ben _____ (get) dressed ___when he ____ (feel) a sharp pain in his chest.
The winning racing driver ____ (shake) the bottle then _____ (take) the cork out.
She ______ (fill) in a questionnaire when the pen _____ (run)out of ink.

They ____ (watch) TV when the lights ____ (go) off.  

Mike ____ (not see) his friend because he ____ (face) the other way.


Write passive sentences in Simple Past.
  1. the test / write 
  2. the table / set 
  3. the cat / feed 
  4. the lights / switch on 
  5. the house / build 
  6. dinner / serve 
  7. this computer / sell / not 
  8. the car / stop / not 
  9. the tables / clean / not 
  10. the children / pick up / not __________________________
    1. Write passive sentences in Present Perfect.
    1. the pencils / count 
    2. the door / close 
    3. the beds / make 
    4. the mail / write 
    5. the trees / plant 
    6. the money / spend 
    7. the room / book / not 
    8. the rent / pay / not 
    9. the people / inform / not ____________________________



Complete the Conditional Sentences Type I.
  1. If Caroline and Sue  the salad, Phil  the house.
  2. If Sue  the onions for the salad, Caroline  the mushrooms.
  3. Jane  the sitting room if Aaron and Tim  the furniture.
  4. If Bob  up the kitchen, Anita  the toilet.
  5. Elaine  the drinks if somebody  her carry the bottles.
  6. If Alan and Rebecca  the food, Mary and Conor  the sandwiches.
  7. If Bob  after the barbecue, Sue  the guests in.
  8. Frank  the DJ if the others  along their CDs.
  9. Alan  the drinks if Jane  him some of her cocktail recipes.
  10. If they all  their best, the party  great.

a) If you  (help) me with my homework, I  (finish) it in time to go to the cine

b) If it  (not/rain), the students  (practice) sport in the playground.

c) Jane  (come) home early if she  (not/be) very busy at work.

d) Our teacher  (be) pleased if we  (do) our homework.

e) If Robert  (play) football with us, we  (win) the match.

2. Look at the pictures and choose the correct option. What can we do to save our planet?
a) If we  (recycle) more, we  (help) our planet.
b) If people  (share) their cars to go to work, there  (not/be) so many car fumes.
c) We  (save) thousands of trees if we  (waste) so much paper.
d) If the govenment  (fine) those who pollute the atmosphere, some factories  (stop) throwing waste into rivers.
e) If we only  (use) the water we need, we  (contribute) to our planet's recovery.

3. Choose the most appropriate ending for the following sentences:
a) If we keep polluting our planet, 
b) If we use recycled paper and glass, 
c) Children will be aware of the importance of recycling 
d) If you have a shower instead of a bath, 
e) If the environmental issues are taught at school, 




Present Continuous (Presente continuo)

Lección gramática: Present Continuous
Completa las siguientes FRASES
Q1 of 9: I _______ (work) now.
Q2 of 9: Nell _______ (not/watch) television at the moment.
Q3 of 9: They _______ (go) to the cinema.
Q4 of 9: _______ you _______ (call) your mother?
Q5 of 9: John _______ (read) the newspaper.
Q6 of 9: _______ Valerie _______ (study) English?
Q7 of 9: We _______ (not/play) videogames.
Q8 of 9: I _______ (not/drink) water.
Q9 of 9: We _______ (know) her.

Present continous


__________  is watching TV.

__________am watching TV.

___________are watching TV.

___________are watching TV.

___________are watching TV.

___________is watching TV.






Reporting Verbs

Complete the sentences so each pair has the same meaning. Use the same verb in both sentences, where possible.

  1. She told me that she wouldn't give me any money.
    She refused  me any money.
  2. He told me that he had stolen the car.
    He confessed  the car.
  3. He threatened that he would kill me.
    He threatened  me.
  4. She pretended that she was a doctor, and I believed her.
    She pretended  a doctor, and I believed her.
  5. She said that I should study chemistry at university.
    She encouraged  chemistry at university.
  6. He said it was my fault that the computer was broken.
    He blamed  the computer.
  7. He told me not to forget to bring my swimming costume.
    He reminded  my swimming costume.
  8. He asked me again and again if I would go out with him.
    He begged  out with him.
  9. He agreed that he would do the washing up.
    He agreed  the washing up.
  10. I asked him if he wanted to come to my party.
    I invited  to my party.
  11. I told them I was sorry burning the dinner.
    I apologised to them  the dinner.
  12. He said it would be nice if we went skiing.
    He suggested  skiing.
  13. He told me that I had to tidy my bedroom.
    He ordered  my bedroom.
  14. He asked me if I could open the window.
    He asked  the window.
  15. She said I shouldn't get angry.
    She advised me  angry.



Completa con can o can't.

1. Where_______ I see a good rock concert?

2. Can Lisa speak French? No, she________ .

  3. What_____ you do?

4. Can Lucy drive? Yes, she______ .

  5. Where_______ I buy a new camera?

  6. ______ you read in Portuguese? Yes, I can.

7. Can I invite my friends? Yes, they____   come.

  8.______ you help me, please?

  9. you______ play the piano?

  10. I __________ find my keys. Where are they?

Imagine you want to repeat sentences that you heard two weeks ago in another place. Rewrite the sentences in reported speech. Change pronouns and expressions of time and place where necessary.

They said, "This is our book." → They said She said, "I went to the cinema yesterday."
→ She said He said, "I am writing a test tomorrow." → He said You said, "I will do this for him." → You said She said, "I am not hungry now." → She said They said, "We have never been here before." → They said They said, "We were in London last week." → They said He said, "I will have finished this paper by tomorrow." → He said He said, "They won't sleep." → He said She said, "It is very quiet here." → She said TAG QUESTIONS TENTH GRADE Find the correct questions tags to the sentences on the left. 1) He's been to Texas, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 2) Dogs like meat, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 3) There are some apples left, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 4) I'm late, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 5) Let's go, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 6) Don't smoke, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 7) He does sing in the bathroom, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 8) He'll never know, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 9) I think he's from India, aren't I? aren't there? doesn't he? don't they? hasn't he? isn't he? isn't it? shall we? will he? will you? 10) Lovely day today, REPORTED SPEECH
Direct Speech → Reported Speech

Present → Past

"I work in Argentina" He said that he worked in Argentina

"I am doing my job" He said that he was doing his job

Past → Past Perfect

"We saw a good film on TV" He said they had seen a good film on TV.

"I was dancing with Mary" He said he had been dancing with Mary

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

"I have done this before" She said that she had done that before

"I have been doing this for two years" He said that he had been doing that for two years

Future → Conditional

"I will visit my mother" He said that he would visit his mother

"I will be flying to Spain" He said that he would be flying to Spain

Future Perfect → Conditional Perfect

"I will have arrived there by 5 pm" He said he would have arrived here by 5 pm

"I will have been selling books for two years" He said that he would have been selling books for two years

Present → Past

John: "I work in Argentina"

John: "Yo trabajo en Argentina"

He said that he worked in Argentina

El dijo que trabajaba en Argentina

Kelly: "I don't like fish"

Kelly: "No me gusta el pescado"

She said she didn't like fish

Ella dijo que no le gustaba el pescado

Joe: "I am doing my job"

Joe: "Estoy haciendo mi trabajo"

He said that he was doing his job

El dijo que estaba haciendo su trabajo

Pam and Tim: "We are living in New York"

Pam y Tim: "Estamos viviendo en Nueva York"

They said that they were living in New York

Ellos dijeron que estaban viviendo en Nueva York

Past → Past Perfect

Dan: "We saw a good film on TV"

Dan: "Vimos una buena película en la televisión"

He said that they had seen a good film on TV

El dijo que habían visto una buena película en la televisión

Lou and Sarah: "We didn't read 'Hamlet'"

Lou y Sarah: "No leímos 'Hamlet'"

They said that they hadn't read 'Hamlet'

Ellos dijeron que no habían leído 'Hamlet'

Chuck: "I was dancing with Mary"

Chuck: "Estaba bailando con Mary"

He said that he had been dancing with Mary

El dijo que había estado bailando con Mary

Rick and Amy: "We weren't looking for Tom"

Rick y Amy: "No estábamos buscando a Tom"

They said that they hadn't been looking for Tom

Ellos dijeron que no habían estado buscando a Tom

Present Perfect → Past Perfect

Kim: "I have done this before"

Kim: "He hecho esto antes"

She said that she had done that before

Ella dijo que había hecho eso antes

Nick: "I haven't heard from Dean"

Nick: "No he sabido nada de Dean"

He said that he hadn't heard from Dean

El dijo que no había sabido nada de Dean

Chris: "I have been doing this for two years"

Chris: "He estado haciendo esto por dos años"

He said that he had been doing that for two years

El dijo que había estado haciendo eso por dos años

Kate: "I have been living here for 5 months"

Kate: "He estado viviendo aquí por 5 meses"

She said that she had been living there for 5 months

Ella dijo que había estado viviendo allí por 5 meses

Future → Conditional

Tom: "I will visit my mother"

Tom: "Visitaré a mi madre"

He said that he would visit his mother

el dijo que visitaría a su madre

Mark: "I won't listen to you"

Mark: "No te escucharé"

He said that he wouldn't listen to me

El dijo que no me escucharía

Phil: "I will be flying to Spain"

Phil: "Estaré volando a España"

He said that he would be flying to Spain

El dijo que estaría volando a España

Walt: "I will be staying at a good hotel"

Walt: "Me estaré hospedando en un buen hotel"

He said that he would be staying at a good hotel

El dijo que se estaría hospedando en un buen hotel

Future Perfect → Conditional Perfect

Jim: "I will have arrived there by 5 pm"

Jim: "Para las 5 pm habré llegado allí"

He said that he would have arrived there by 5 pm

El dijo que habría llegado allí para las 5 pm

Bob: "I will have sent all the products by tomorrow"

Bob: "Habré enviado todos los productos para mañana"

He said that the would have sent all the products by tomorrow

El dijo que habría enviado todos los productos para mañana

Sam: "I will have been selling books for two years"

Sam: "Habré estado vendiendo libros por dos años"

He said that he would have been selling books for two years

El dijo que habría estado vendiendo libros por dos años

Cindy: "He will have been sleeping for 13 hours"

Cindy: "El habrá estado durmiendo por 13 horas"

She said that he would have been sleeping for 13 hours

Ella dijo que él habría estado durmiendo por 13 horas
When, while, as - used to express time

when is used, with simple tenses:

1 When one action occurs at the same time as another or in the span of another:

■When it is wet the buses are crowded.
■When we lived in town we often went to the theatre.
2 When one action follows another:

■When he explained the situation she calmed down.

as is used:

3 When the second action occurs before the first is finished:

■As I walked through the park I remembered about my mother's birthday.
The above sentence implies that I remembered about my mother's birthday before had completed the action of walking thorugh the park; I was probably still in the park.

While I was walking would have the same meaning here, but When I walked would give the impression that the act of walking through the park was complete and he was no longer in the park.

4 For parallel actions:

■The men whistled as she walked past.
5 For parallel development:

■As he listened to the story he grew more and more curious.
■The darker it grew, the colder it became.
■As he worked harder he was getting more and more money for his work.
If we used when here we would lose all idea of simultaneous progression or development.

6 To mean while:

■As he was watching TV his wife was preparing a meal.
However, there is no particular advantage in using as here, and while is safer.


Second Conditional: unreal possibility or dream
The second conditional is like the first conditional. We are still thinking about the future. We are thinking about a particular condition in the future, and the result of this condition. But there is not a real possibility that this condition will happen. For example, you do not have a lottery ticket. Is it possible to win? No! No lottery ticket, no win! But maybe you will buy a lottery ticket in the future. So you can think about winning in the future, like a dream. It's not very real, but it's still possible.

IF condition result
past simple WOULD + base verb

If I won the lottery I would buy a car.

Notice that we are thinking about a future condition. We use the past simple tense to talk about the future condition. We use WOULD + base verb to talk about the future result. The important thing about the second conditional is that there is an unreal possibility that the condition will happen.

Here are some more examples:

IF condition result
past simple WOULD + base verb
If I married Mary I would be happy.
If Ram became rich she would marry him.
If it snowed next July would you be surprised?
If it snowed next July what would you do?
result IF condition
WOULD + base verb past simple
I would be happy if I married Mary.
She would marry Ram if he became rich.
Would you be surprised if it snowed next July?
What would you do if it snowed next July?

be to be in / to be out / to be away / to be off / …
break to break in / to break out / to break up / …
bring to bring about / to bring up / to bring back / …
call to call at / to call on / to call for / to call off / …
come to come about / to come across / to come away / …
cut to cut back on / to cut across / to cut up / …
do to do away with / to do up / to do without / …
fall to fall apart / to fall behind / to fall for / …
get to get away / to get by / to get through / …
give to give away / to give back / to give in / …
go to go around / to go at / to go off / go by / …
have to have against / to have on / to have over / …
keep to keep away / to keep out / to keep off / …
let to let down / to let in / to let out / to let off / …
look to look after / to look for / to look out / …
make to make for / to make out / to make up for / …
pull to pull down / to pull out / to pull over / …
put to put on / to put out/ to put up with / …
run to run away / to run into / to run over / …
see to see about / to see out / to see through / …
set to set back / to set out / to set off / to set up / …
stand to stand for / to stand out / to stand up for / …
take to take after / to take apart / to take out / …
throw to throw away / to throw out/ to throw up / …
turn to turn down / to turn on / to turn off / …