Exercise on Gerund

Complete the sentences with the gerund form of the verbs in parentheses.

  1. She is good at (dance) .
  2. He is crazy about (sing) .
  3. I don't like (play)  cards.
  4. They are afraid of (swim)  in the sea.
  5. You should give up (smoke) .
  6. Sam dreams of (be)  a popstar.
  7. He is interested in (make)  friends.
  8. My uncle is afraid of (go)  by plane.
  9. We insist on (cook)  the dinner ourselves.

Gerunds and Infinitives
Put the verb into either the gerund (-ing) or the infinitive (with 'to'):
1) I don't fancy  (go) out tonight..
2) She avoided  (tell) him about her plans..
3) I would like  (come) to the party with you..
4) He enjoys  (have) a bath in the evening..
5) She kept  (talk) during the film

Form     present continuous

Write the verbs in Present continuous.
  1. speak - I 
  2. jump - you 
  3. bake - she 
  4. play - they 
  5. run - we 
Write the verbs in Simple Present, 3rd person singular.
  1. be - it 
  2. have - he 
  3. eat - she 
  4. can - he 
  5. wash - she 


When to use which tense?
  1. For actions happening regularly, often or never, we use .
  2. For actions happening now, we use .
  3. The verbs 'be', 'have', 'like' and 'want' are normally only used in .
  4. The signal word 'usually' indicates that we have to use .
  5. The signal word 'now' indicates that we have to use .

Positive sentences

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
  1. Look! They (leave)  the house.
  2. Brian (cycle)  30 km every day.
  3. Samantha (do)  her homework at the moment.
  4. My parents (shop)  right now.
  5. He usually (get up)  early in the morning.

Negative sentences

Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
  1. You (see / not)  her every day.
  2. The baby (sleep / not)  at the moment.
  3. (read / not)  a book now.
  4. We (go / not)  to school on Sundays.
  5. He (watch / not)  the news every day.


Complete the sentences. Use Simple Present or Present Progressive.
  1. (you / go)  on holiday by plane sometimes?
  2. (they / play)  computer games every day?
  3. (she / eat)  dinner at the moment?
  4. What (they / do)  right now?
  5. (she / visit)  her grandma very often?


Sieh dir das Bild von Jenny an und ergänze die sentences (Simple Present oder Present Progressive).
  1. Look! Jenny (go)  to school.
  2. On her back, Jenny (carry)  her school bag.
  3. The school bag (be)  very heavy
  4. Normally, Jenny (wear)  black shoes, but today she (wear)  red wellies.
  5. And look, she (wear)  a raincoat because it (rain)  outside.
  6. Jenny (not / want)  to get wet.



1)  (you/come) tonight?2)  (he/eat) rice every day?.3) I  (work) at the moment..4)  (he/come) to London often?.5) He  (play) tennis now..6)  (you/come) to the cinema later?.7) They  (not/come) to th

Complete the sentences with the present simple or present continuous form
of the verbs in brackets. Use contractions where possible.
  1. She(run) because she's late for her lesson.score
  2. Our teacher always(give) us lots of homework.score
  3. We(not want) to go to the concert.score
  4. What time(you / meet) Pete tomorrow?score
  5. I(not work) today. I'm on holiday.score
  6. People(speak) English in Jamaica.score
  7. Archie(not use) his computer at the moment.score
  8. (Tony / live) near the park?score


Complete the sentences using this, that, these or those.

Example: I like this picture. (this, these)

1. ______shirt looks great.
(That, Those)

2. Look_____ at man over there.
(this, that)

3. is _____a beautiful day today.
(That, This)

4. Do you like ______ flowers?
(that, those)

5. What are the answers to_______ questions?
(this, these)

6. I love _____ shoes but I don't like shirt.
(these, that), (those, that)

7. Let's watch a movie.
______a good idea.
(This is, That's)

8. Whose house is______ ?
(those, that)

9. This book isn't very good , but_______ book's great.
(that, this)


1. Choose the correct word.

1. this that these those cat.
2. this that these those trees.
3. this that these those pills.

4. this that these those house.
5. this that these those rose.
6. this that these those planes.

7. this that these those CD player.
8. this that these those city.
9. this that these those coins.

10. this that these those buildings.
11. this that these those cards.
12. this that these those mobile phone.

2. Write the singular and plural forms of the words in exercise 1.
1. cat _____
2. _____ trees
3. ______ pills
4. house _____

5. rose _____
6. ______ planes
7. CD player _______
8. city ______
9. ________ coins
10. ________ buildings
11. ________ cards
12. mobile phone_________


Rewrite the complete sentence using the adverb in brackets in its correct position.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often)

Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.

1) He listens to the radio. (often)____________________________

2) They read a book. (sometimes)_______________________________

3) Pete gets angry. (never)___________________________________

4) Tom is very friendly. (usuallY)______________________________

5) I take sugar in my coffee. (sometimes)_______________________

6) Ramon and Frank are hungry. (often)__________________________

7) My grandmother goes for a walk in the evening. (always)

8) Walter helps his father in the kitchen. (usually)

9) They watch TV in the afternoon. (never)

10) Christine smokes. (never)

Rewrite each sentence with the adverb of frequency (in brackets) in its correct position.

Example: I play tennis on Sundays. (often).

Answer: I often play tennis on Sundays.

1) Have you been to London? (ever)

2) Peter doesn't get up before seven. (usually)

3) Our friends must write tests. (often)

4) They go swimming in the lake. (sometimes)

5) The weather is bad in November. (always)

6) Peggy and Frank are late. (usually)

7) I have met him before. (never)

8) John watches TV. (seldom)

9) I was in contact with my sister. (often)

10) She will love him. (always)

Exercise on Present Perfect Simple

Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1.I (not / work) today.
2.We (buy) a new lamp.
3.We (not / plan) our holiday yet.
4.Where (be / you) ?
5.He (write) five letters.
6.She (not / see) him for a long time.
7.(be / you) at school?
8.School (not / start) yet.
9.(speak / he) to his boss?
10.No, he (have / not) the time yet.

Write negative sentences in present perfect simple.

The weather was wonderful today. So the children were in the park all afternoon and have not done their household chores:

1.Sarah / not / wash the dishes
2.Anita / not / clean the kitchen
3.Maureen and Gavin / not / water the plants
4.Joey / not / make his bed
5.David / not / buy milk
6.Lisa / not / be to the baker's
7.Aran and Jack / not / do their homework
8.Jane and Ben / not / tidy up their rooms
9.Alex / not / feed the hamster
10.Hazel / not / empty the bin
Put the verbs into the correct form (present perfect simple).

1.I (not / work) today.
2.We (buy) a new lamp.
3.We (not / plan) our holiday yet.
4.Where (be / you) ?
5.He (write) five letters.
6.She (not / see) him for a long time.
7.(be / you) at school?
8.School (not / start) yet.
9.(speak / he) to his boss?
10.No, he (have / not) the time yet.

11 grade
Second Conditional

If he were a young man, he ________ able to walk faster.
will be
would be


2 We'd be on the beach if we ________ in Mexico!
will be
would be


3 If smoking were allowed, I ________ a cigarette.
will have
would have


4 If there ________ no mosquitos, there would be no malaria.
would be


5 If her hair were black, she ________ completely different.
will look
would look


6 If I ________ a penny for every can of soda I've drunk in my life, I would be rich!
will have
would have


7 He's so stupid! If he ________ an animal, he would be a sheep.
would be


8 We don't mind camping, but if we ________ enough money, we ________ in a hotel.
would have...stayed
have... stayed
had... would stay
had... stayed


9 We would learn a lot from dolphins if they ________.
could talk
can talk
will talk


10 If the weather ________ better, we ________ to the park.
were... will go
were... would go
is... would go
was... go

2.Type the correct form of each verb

1. If Joe (be) here, he (catch) some fish for supper.
2. It (be) nice if the rain (stop)!
3. I (sing) you a song if I (have) my guitar.
4. If I (have) a better sleeping bag, I (not feel) so cold.
5. If this tent (be) any smaller, one of us (have to sleep) outside!
6. I (look) out for bears if I (be) you!
7. If I (not be) so hungry, I (share) my beans with you


1 she / study / every / day


2 my / play / brothers / basketball


3 I / drink / sometimes / coffee


4 Pili and Sofia / like / ice cream


5 never / I / read / a / book


6 my sister / parties / enjoy


7 go / the disco / to / we / Saturday/ on


8 teacher / my / like / music


9 David / hate / alcohol


10 brother / your / friendly / look /

choose the correct option

Hello. I'm Peter. What - is are do your name?

- Hello. My name is Hugh. - Do you Are you Does he a student?

- Yes, - you are I do I am. What about you?

- No, - I'm not you are I don't a student.

- - You do Are you Do you a teacher here?

- Yes, - I do you are I'm a teacher.

- - Do you Does he Are you live in London?

- No, I - doesn't don't am not.

- And - who what where do you live?

- I - live lives am in Oxford. I'm on holidays here.



If I ________ some eggs, how many ________?
? will cook / do you eat
? cook / will you eat
If you don't put so much sugar in your coffee, you ________ so much weight!
? won't put on
? don't put on
You ________ heart disease if you eat too much meat.
? get
? will get
You ________ better if you turn on the lamp.
? will be able to see
? are able to see
If we don't protect the elephant, it ________ extinct.
? will become
? becomes
If you ________ an apple every day, you'll be very healthy.
? will eat
? eat
You won't pass the course if you ________.
? don't study
? won't study
If a deer ________ into your garden, it ________ all your plants.
? will get / eats
? gets / will eat
She ________ completely different if she cuts her hair.
? looks
? will look
You'll pay higher insurance if you ________ a sports car.
? buy
? will buy

1) She’s much __________ her husband. (young)

2) It’s a __________ day _____ yesterday. (warm)

3) The vegetables in the shop are __________ ­­­_____ the one ones in the supermarket. (fresh)

4) The train is __________ _____ the bus (expensive)

5) The new TV programme is __________ _____ the old one. (funny)

6) Mrs. Jones is a __________ teacher ____ Mr. Andrews. (good)

7) My office is __________ _____ Helen’s. (near)

8) The traffic is _______________ it was last year. (noisy)

9) You have a __________ life _____ I have. (busy)

10) Drivers in this country are _______________________ _____ drivers in my country. (dangerous)

11) The exam today was _______________ _____ last year’s exam. (difficult)

12) She’s __________ _____ her sister. (smart)

13) Micheal is __________ _____ than Mathew. (Rich)

14) The students ask _______________ questions _____ they did before. (intelligent)

15) Her second book is _______________ _____ her first one. (interesting)